Whiting American Rooster Capes
In the early 1990’s numerous fly tiers suggested to Dr. Tom Whiting, president and founder of Whiting Farm, that what was also needed was a high quality wet fly hackle. In pursuit of just such a genetic wet fly hackle Dr. Whiting set about investigating what specific feathers characteristic were needed and desired tiers. Once a clear idea was formulated of what constituted high quality wet fly hackle, numerous breeds and varieties of poultry were examined to find the best foundation stock with which to bring e breeding program. Coincidentally the breed of chicken that was determined to have the greatest potential was a particular favorite of Tom Whiting’s which he had raised as a boy while growing up outside of Denver Colorado. In 1993 1000 chicks of special breed were obtained and the genetic program began. It take 5 generation of intense genetic selection to initially mold this stock into what could be called genetic wet fly hackle. Specifically what is being bred for, which is what the wet fly tiers have articulated or shown to be what they want, are feathers which are:
- Board
- Long
- Denselly webbed
- Round tipped
- A firm, sturdy quill